Mining for silver and copper has severe negative impacts on the environment.

Land Degredation
Water Pollution
Air Pollution
Acid Mine Drainage
High Energy Consumption

Recycling silver and copper for reuse moves us towards a more circular economy.

The carbon emissions from recycling silver are one-third those from silver mining, even using conventional recycling methods (Recycling Today). PM-STRIP’s innovative approach to silver recovery reduces carbon emissions even further.

The current industry process of smelting to recycle silver plated scrap has its own significant environmental issues.

PM-STRIP is the only sustainable alternative to smelting.

Highly energy intensive - large furnaces operating at >2000⁰F
Extremely low energy use - negligible carbon footprint
Requires special treatment of fumes
Minimal fumes are scrubbed internally in our PM-STRIP system.
Produces toxic slag that must be contained and treated
No toxic slag
Requires special permitting and monitoring
Only standard permits are required. We do not use cyanide or aqua regia, and we can operate without a hazardous waste permit.
Remoteness from sources means long distance shipping and logistics costs
We are a U.S. processor close to scrap suppliers, which minimizes shipping costs and fuel consumption.

Our management team includes executives with deep experience in metals recovery, precious metal refining, and technology development. Work with us to achieve your ESG goals and create a circular economy.

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